Something else I love: honey. But not the honey you get in a squeeze jar shaped like a bear, like real true raw and authentic (and sometimes flavored honey). I was initially drawn to this brand - Bee Raw - because I really just loved the jar it was in. It was sleek and modern and I had to have it for the awesome jar. I have since tried a few varieties of their honey and I am hooked! The flavor is just amazing.
I have since stumbled upon their website Bee Raw Honey and have found something amazing! Flights of honey! You know when you have a flight of wine? You get a little sample of a bunch of different wines. It is just like that, but with honey and they come in great such great packs. My favorite is the one meant for cheese! But I need to eventually buy this:
Flights of honey! I love the idea of of gourmet candy bars, flights of gummy candies, flights of pickles, flights of fudge, flights of sherbert. I think I have found my true calling.
ReplyDeleteI want a flight of gummy candy! Get on it!
ReplyDeleteA flight of facials: