Today I am making baked beans, which I have never done before, like not all homemade...and of course the recipe includes brown sugar. Here is my thing with brown sugar, I'll get a new bag, use it once, Ziploc it nicely and the next time I go to use it it is hard as a rock. ALWAYS. This ruined something I wanted to make the other week, and I was complaining to my friend Sarah about this, and she told me about these brown sugar bears that supposedly keep the brown sugar nice and soft. Like what!? Could this be real? Sure enough I googled and came across and was so intrigued I ordered a few!
I used some brown sugar on Easter (a new bag) and put it back in the Ziploc, this time with a brown sugar bear (which is like a clay bear that you first soak in water before you put it in the brown sugar) and sealed it up. Well today when I went to get my brown sugar for my baked beans guess what...the brown sugar was soft! YES! IT! WAS!
So I suggest if you hate the brown sugar problem as much as I do you get yourself a little brown bear
Haha that's so cool!